Optimising Your Hotel Website In 2024 – Where To Invest


A well-optimised website is crucial for any hotel’s success. But with ever-evolving marketing strategies and a constant battle for online visibility, allocating your budget effectively is critical.

With 95% of hoteliers planning to invest in their hotel website during 2024 according to recent research from Duetto, we look at the top 5 areas where hoteliers should prioritise their spend in 2024:

1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Over 80% of travellers begin their journey with online research. Ranking high in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords ensures your hotel appears when potential guests search for places to stay in your destination.

Recent research from 80 DAYS suggests that SEO accounted for 34% of a hotel website’s revenue in 2023, with local search accounting for a further 10%.

Hoteliers should consider investing in their hotel website’s SEO in 2024, especially:

SEO audits: Identify areas for improvement on your website’s technical SEO and content strategy.
Keyword research: Understand the search terms travellers use to find hotels like yours.
High-quality content creation: Develop informative and engaging content that targets relevant keywords and showcases your hotel’s unique offerings.
Link building: Earn backlinks from high-authority websites to increase your website’s credibility and domain authority.

2. Mobile Optimisation

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets for travel research and booking, a mobile-friendly website is no longer optional. In 2023, city-based hotels saw nearly 1/3 of their transactions originate on mobile devices, with rural properties even higher at 38%.

In 2024 it’s essential to invest in your website to ensure it has:

Responsive design: A website that automatically adjusts its layout for optimal viewing on any device.
Fast loading speeds: Mobile users are impatient. Invest in website speed optimization tools to ensure a seamless browsing experience.
An easy-to-use booking engine: A streamlined booking process specifically designed for mobile users is crucial for converting website visits into reservations.

3. High-Quality Visual Content

Travellers are drawn to captivating visuals. High-resolution photos and videos showcasing your hotel’s amenities, guest rooms, and surrounding location are essential for grabbing attention and showcasing your property’s unique appeal.

95% of hotel guests report that images and video are the most important factors in their decision-making process when booking a hotel.

Areas to focus on in 2024 include:

Professional photography and videography: Invest in capturing stunning visuals that effectively portray the ambiance and offerings of your hotel on your hotel’s website. Don’t forget social media too. On average, videos generate 56% more likes and shares than static posts. Up your game with expert training on social media photography and videography from Hotel Social.
360° virtual tours: Allow potential guests to explore your hotel virtually, offering a more immersive experience.
User-generated content: Encourage guests to share their photos and videos on social media using a branded hashtag. This fosters a sense of authenticity and community.

4. Content Marketing Strategy

Informative and engaging content keeps potential guests coming back to your website and establishes your hotel as a trusted source of travel information. But don’t just focus solely on information, inspire your guests too.

Invest in a hotel content strategy that includes a healthy mix of:

Blog posts: Offer valuable insights and tips related to travel, local attractions, or interesting experiences near your hotel.
Destination guides: Create informative content highlighting the surrounding area and activities guests can enjoy.
Seasonal content: Showcase special offers, events, or packages relevant to different times of the year.

5. Paid Advertising

While organic reach is crucial, paid advertising platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising can provide a targeted approach to reach a wider audience actively searching for hotels in your location.

Allocate sensible budgets for:

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Target specific keywords and demographics to ensure your hotel ad appears in front of potential guests actively looking for similar properties.
Social media advertising: Leverage platforms like Facebook and Instagram to target users based on their interests, travel preferences, and location.
Metasearch advertising: With ROI’s of 20:1, metasearch advertising remains a lucrative channel for hoteliers looking to increase their direct bookings.


Continuously monitor the performance of your website and marketing efforts. Utilise website analytics tools, like Google Analytics, to understand what’s working and where adjustments are needed.

The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest hotel SEO trends, content marketing strategies, and advertising platforms to ensure your hotel website remains competitive.

By strategically investing in these 5 key areas, hoteliers can optimise their website’s marketing potential to attract more guests, and ultimately drive bookings and revenue in 2024 (and beyond!).

The post Optimising Your Hotel Website In 2024 – Where To Invest appeared first on Hotel Speak.

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