Practilonga: 3-23-2018


Thank you for another amazing night everybody! DJ Villano, you completely
rocked – ahhhmazing set!!! When looking through the pictures I’m reminded –
again and again – how lucky we are. The energy and love of amazing humans;
different experiences, different ages, different walks of life, getting
together to hug, to dance, to socialize, to create beautiful moments
together is so magical ❤

Daily Bruin | Students connect with others through the tradition of tango


Ortiz-Marquez said the Argentine tango she dances is reminiscent of the
origins of the style, before the upper classes of Buenos Aires began
adapting it for themselves.

“Most people think that tango is what you see on ‘Dancing with the Stars,’”
Ortiz-Marquez said. “People look at it as something super high-class or
pretentious, but it came right out of the slums. … It’s a way of connecting
with different human beings.”

Exclusive Interview with President Director of Tauzia Hotel Management, Marc Steinmeyer


Whether you’re a large organization, a small group managing a collection of independent hotels, or even a single hotel that needs a different direction, launching a new brand is a challenge for even the most seasoned of hoteliers. Since TAUZIA Hotel Management recently launched a new brand, we sat down with Marc Steinmeyer, the President […]

Report: 78% of All Online Hotel Reviews Come From the Top Four Sites


In 2014, Revinate performed a deep analysis of its online review data and evaluated more than 20 million reviews from 80,000 properties in 125 countries. Last month, we released the 2017 edition of the Global Hotel Reputation Benchmark Report, which is intended to update that information with data from over 70 million reviews published online […]

Should Hotels Use Emoji in Email Marketing Messages?


You may have noticed in your personal inboxes that some brands are experimenting with using emoji in their subject lines and elsewhere in their marketing messages. It’s an interesting tactic – when it works, a well-placed emoji can make a subject line stand out in your guests’ inboxes with a pop of color and whimsy. […]