Hotels under pressure to respond as OTA competition for guests lead gen explodes — SHR Group’s Hotel Industry Trends Report 2024


The battle for direct bookings has entered a new phase as online travel agents (OTAs) ramp up efforts to establish ownership of hotel guests and their booking journeys, a new report from hospitality technology specialist SHR Group reveals. While OTAs and hotels have a mutually beneficial relationship, the Hotel Industry Trends Report 2024 exposes for […]

Mews Data Dive Reveals Online Check-ins and Revenue Beyond Overnight Stays Soar as Travel Tops Pre-Pandemic Levels in 2023


Nearly 20% of guests checked in online, and one in five hotels diversified revenue by monetizing spaces beyond hotel rooms. Mews, the industry-leading hospitality cloud, today released the Mews Data Dive, a real-time measure of hospitality’s performance in 2023. Based on data from more than 4,000 Mews partners in 85 countries, the Mews Data Dive […]

Driving revenue and rankings: The Inn @ Northrup Station’s journey with Revinate


Customer stories Driving revenue and rankings: The Inn @ Northrup Station’s journey with Revinate HOTEL TYPE: Independent SOLUTIONS USED: Revinate Marketing, Revinate Guest Feedback REGION: North America Goal Drive direct bookings and beat comp set. Strategy Leverage technology to […] The post Driving revenue and rankings: The Inn @ Northrup Station’s journey with Revinate appeared […]