We Know Having Good Health is Important, But Why?

Really though, it is mentally integrated from a very young age that being healthy is a good thing. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but why?
This seems like a dumb question, but when we break it down, it may not be as dumb as we think.
I own two gyms with my brother and this is a question that I ask myself sometimes. Me giving into the bullshit thoughts that can plague my mind, but that is a topic for another day.
If I asked you this question, what would be your response? I bet it would take longer for most of you to think of a real reason, other than, “I know it’s what I should do”. So let’s dive into it a little bit.
(Not too crazy though, I actually want you to read this)
Here are few reasons on why being fit and healthy may be beneficial for you:
Live a longer life by drastically dodging co-morbidities (heart disease and things like that)
Quality of life is significantly increased
Long incline, fast decline (live a quality life, but die fast-I will explain down below)
Build quality relationships
High energy (think stay young for longer mentally and physically)
Let’s say you stumbled upon a magical and philosophical genie, a genie that shows you two future versions of yourself.
Both versions live to the ripe age of 87 years old.
One of you works out consistently, eats healthy, is involved with many outdoor activities, the works, what you think the healthiest version of yourself would be doing.
Now the other version lives like shit. Drinks every night after coming home from work, eats fast food, is only focused on him/herself and hasn’t worked out since high school. At the age of 55 is on every medication you can think of just to get by each day.
If both versions live to the exact same date, why does it matter? The one who drinks and eats whatever they want is probably happier right? Well…not exactly.
Let me show you a visual that I believe will get my point across:
As you probably guessed, the image on the left is the healthier version of you and the image on the right is the, well…you get the idea.
If both roads go the same exact distance and both cars get you to that destination (death). Which one would you rather get to that destination in?
Oh! And the road and car on the right are the same year, in case you forgot *wink wink.
The road on the right also started out as well kept as the one on the left for a few hundred miles, but the workers stopped showing up to keep it driving smooth…
You get to choose your ride and the road you drive on. Are you the car on the left or the car on the right?
Let me elaborate on the “long incline, fast decline” from earlier using this illustration.
The car on the left maintains a nice cruising speed of 65-75 mph all the way until the end of the road, which is a nice drive, because the road is paved as well.
And once you are about 20-30 miles to your destination, it drives itself (cars do drive themselves now, so it makes sense) while you take a well earned nap, still on that nice smooth road until an expected drop off (you see where I am going with this).
The car on the right maintains a pace of 65-75 for a while, but after minimal maintenance and sub par work on the vehicle, its normal cruising pace is 45-55 mph. But it is driving on that beat up, cracked, pot holed road at that pace for a long…long…long time…
It’s last 20-30 miles only get worse…it starts to drive downhill and picks up speed on that road…yikes…
Sounds terrible.
But hey, they both get to the same destination right?
My point in writing this, is to bring an emphasis that you get to choose what car and road you drive on.
Both roads are susceptible to road blocks, deer crossing, etc., things out of your control, but you still get to choose which path to take.
I write this to myself just as much to you.
If you decide that you are tired of whatever car you are driving, you have the choice to trade in…
Don’t forget though…that we still have to put in the effort to ‘drive’ whatever car we choose.
The post We Know Having Good Health is Important, But Why? appeared first on Double Edge Fitness.