Running training for beginners – the first 10 km.


We present another article from the training cycle. Jurek Skarżyński – a great authority in the running world shows us how best to prepare for the competition at a distance of 10 km. Read on The first competition .. Preparations for a 10 km run. Get started, even if your current running level is defined by three familiar words: less than zero! Everything is difficult before it gets easy? Overcoming the biggest running problems is also just a matter of willingness and time for training.

So if you are willing enough, arrange it 3-4 times a week for an hour and you will have everything you need. Most importantly – this race doesn’t have to be the end of your running experience. Today there are millions of people like you running around the world. Only millions when it is known they should be billions. You know why.

How many colleagues or neighbors you have running regularly? By practicing running, you will become a member of an elite group! A runner that sounds proud and you’ll be a runner! I am sure that you are ambitious enough that you are already gathering the available literature, so that behind the practical preparations there are also theoretical preparations. The theory of running training is not a virtual reality, but a real reality, which – if you are a diligent student – will translate into something that can change the image of your further life! You’re smiling? I can assure you that you will not be the first or the last to experience this. Who laughs, who is the last to laugh!

urek Skarżyński: The monotony of covering more and more kilometers at a certain stage of running development becomes even tiring. Especially when we include them alone. It is not surprising – an hour, two or even longer hours of lonely running is a huge burden not only for our muscles, but also for the psyche. Anyone can be bothered by this. And inexperienced runners see the way of their further development precisely in increasing the volume of training. And they are right, but … this is not the way! There are shortcuts!

What to do to enjoy the progress by running 4 times a week, covering 50-60 km, but with the same results as runners shuffling their 100 km a week monotonously? It is possible and not even difficult! Just start training, not run … how stupid! To make it easier for runners to climb to the top of their sports form, various accelerators must be introduced into the schedule of activities. Effort to overcome and guaranteed effectiveness. It’s like pouring better quality fuel into your car’s tank. You know that driving is both easier and safer then.

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