Break Out and Socialize With Dance!


Throughout human history, dancing and socializing have been fundamentally linked. Court Balls, Sock Hops, and the inescapable phenomenon known as “The Cupid Shuffle” are just a few of the ways dance has always outlined the social spaces of the young and old. However, many in the modern day bemoan the loss of these cultural institutions: “Where are the social dances?” They cry out! Well, at Fred Astaire we never stopped socially dancing!

Why dance?

Dancing is one of the most enduring vessels for socializing for several core reasons. Dancing is first and foremost a democratizing activity: even a beginner with only a few hours of learning can still hold there own in most basic ballroom styles, and even those who aren’t very confident won’t find it hard to pair with a more experienced partner who can help them improve! At Fred Astaire we deeply believe in the value of shared learning and teaching in bringing our community together and forging stronger social bonds. Perhaps most importantly, Ballroom dancing requires a partner! While that may sound scary to some, what this means in practice is that even the most skilled dancers will more often than not be happy to dance with any partner, simply for the fun of meeting someone new and helping them take part in the shared joy of dance!

But what if I’m shy?

Great! Dancing can help you develop self-confidence through practice and personal improvement, AND help you get more comfortable being social in a fun, low-stress environment with other people who just want to cut loose and have some fun! We often see students come in brought by a partner, friend, or a personal desire to push their boundaries, who initially are stiff and uncomfortable when they start to learn. The twist? After two or three lessons or a practice party, they nearly always fall in love with the simple joy and physicality of dancing and finding their rhythm. Once they get their feet under them, the shyness evaporates under the sunlight of friendly requests to dance and the beginnings of conversations had on the dance floor. The confidence-boosting power of a new but friendly face requesting a dance with you is hard to overstate!

While competition and athletic rigor have their place, social dancing is where the vast majority of dancers spend their time. The process of meeting new people and enjoying a shared hobby is invigorating and empowering, and can help you make new friends, reconnect with old ones, or just have a space to let loose and share in a community of fun! Call Fred Astaire Dance Studios today and schedule your first taste of a lifelong love of dance!

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