Blonde Refresh – With Christine Leblanc

I call her “The Wizard”!
Just over a year ago I met Christine Leblanc. After creeping her work on Instagram, I fell in love with the way she orchastrates the use of colour and sees every cut as an opportunity to work the magic of her scissors.
I started seeing Christine after my hair had been butchered. It had been a natural healthy brown colour, but was turned orange, yellow and then green at its final stage of frying. Those were some humbling hair days!
I look at my hair now and I cannot believe how healthy and strong it is! I also have never been happier with my colour and cut. Throughout the process of this hair transformation, Christine has helped to guide my hair back to health while listening to what I want my hair to look like, which really allowed my personal style to show through.
This Fall we decided to do a little re-fresh on my hair. This process included blending my layers to better suite the structure of my cheeks bones & jaw line, along with a full highlight, root shadow tone, and bright face frame.
The colour blend and cut we chose is a style that is easy to maintain and continues to look fresh even as the colour starts to grow out, which was something this working Mom needed!
To see our first hair makeover with Christine Leblanc click here.
If you are interested in seeing more of Christine Leblane’s work you can check her out here or contact Life & Colour Salon for information on bookings.