Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Blueprint To Cut Review


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Blueprint to Cut Review Today: If you Google “how to build muscle and burn fat” you’ll be presented with 33,700,000 results, the option to buy multiple fat burning supplements and a host of other tips and tricks which will ultimately build the same amount of muscle as joining a country group dance at […]

Tom ‘The Quadfather’ Platz Leg Workout Review


Tom Platz Leg Workout Review There are two types of people in this world: Those who train legs and those who don’t. You’re either the type of person who gets an absolute hard-on being in the squat rack, crying blood and grimacing on the floor where it feels like Christ has taken a shit on […]

‘Steak and Eggs’ Diet: An Old-School Diet To Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Boost Testosterone


‘Steak and Eggs’ Diet An Old-School Diet To Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Boost Testosterone There are a few things in life that will make a man feel like a man. Changing a light bulb, lifting heavy weights, receiving a blowjob and eating steak. Nothing oozes masculinity more than all of the above. For more […]

We Know Having Good Health is Important, But Why?


Really though, it is mentally integrated from a very young age that being healthy is a good thing. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but why? This seems like a dumb question, but when we break it down, it may not be as dumb as we think.  I own two gyms with my […]

Reverse Osmosis now at Double Edge Fitness


So, as many of you know, I have been learning a lot about inflammation and gut health because of my daughter’s recent diagnosis of Crohn’s.   I have had to look at every variable in our life.  Water is one of them.  When my wife and I decided to have kids, she was adamant about […]