Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Blueprint To Mass Review


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Blueprint to Mass Review Today, It is still largely agreed that despite there being many Mr. Olympias, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘Golden Era’ physique is still the elucidation of perfection. Not only does his physique continue to evoke admiration from his impressive measurements (boasting a 57 inch chest and 22 inch arms during the prime […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Blueprint To Cut Review


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Blueprint to Cut Review Today: If you Google “how to build muscle and burn fat” you’ll be presented with 33,700,000 results, the option to buy multiple fat burning supplements and a host of other tips and tricks which will ultimately build the same amount of muscle as joining a country group dance at […]

Tom ‘The Quadfather’ Platz Leg Workout Review


Tom Platz Leg Workout Review There are two types of people in this world: Those who train legs and those who don’t. You’re either the type of person who gets an absolute hard-on being in the squat rack, crying blood and grimacing on the floor where it feels like Christ has taken a shit on […]

‘Steak and Eggs’ Diet: An Old-School Diet To Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Boost Testosterone


‘Steak and Eggs’ Diet An Old-School Diet To Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Boost Testosterone There are a few things in life that will make a man feel like a man. Changing a light bulb, lifting heavy weights, receiving a blowjob and eating steak. Nothing oozes masculinity more than all of the above. For more […]

We Know Having Good Health is Important, But Why?


Really though, it is mentally integrated from a very young age that being healthy is a good thing. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but why? This seems like a dumb question, but when we break it down, it may not be as dumb as we think.  I own two gyms with my […]