How SearchGPT (ChatGPT’s New Search Engine) Could Transform Guest Discovery


The landscape of guest discovery could be about to undergo a fairly seismic shift with the launch of ChatGPT’s search engine, SearchGPT, yesterday. Like Google and Microsoft counterparts, this new and innovative tool isn’t just about keywords; it’s about conversational search, and it could be game-changing for how guests find you in the future.

Imagine this: a potential guest isn’t just Googling “hotels in Bali.” Instead, they’re having a natural conversation with ChatGPT, asking, “Find me a luxurious, eco-friendly hotel in Bali perfect for a family with young kids in December.”

Gone are the days of generic hotel descriptions, lost in a sea of search results. ChatGPT’s conversational search engine throws open the door for you to optimise your content for natural language. Think in-depth descriptions highlighting your family-friendly amenities, eco-conscious practices, and unique experiences.

But it doesn’t stop there. ChatGPT’s integration with the search engine opens a Pandora’s box of hyper-personalisation possibilities.

Imagine guests asking for “restaurants with kids’ menus near the hotel” or “suggest activities suitable for 5-year-olds.” ChatGPT can provide real-time, tailored recommendations based on specific guest profiles and preferences. This could well translate into increased guest satisfaction, loyalty, and spending – a potential holy grail for any hotel marketer.

How can your hotel capitalise?

Optimise your website content for conversational search. Focus on natural language descriptions highlighting your unique selling points. As a reminder, when we refer ‘natural language’ in the context of hotel SEO, we simply mean optimising our content for everyday language, rather than specific keywords. For example, instead of optimising for “best hotels in Paris,” you could help answer a guest’s search for “Where should I stay for a romantic weekend in Paris?”

Consider creating FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) content to answer some of the more common questions you’re receiving through search traffic, not just about your hotel but the destination and surroundings too.

Finally, monitor search trends and use that data to help shape your guest’s online journey. Optimise your booking process, improve your website navigation and enhance your website’s overall experience.

See also: “A Hotel Marketer’s Guide To The Search Generative Experience (SGE)” for more helpful tips.

Ultimately, the future of hotel marketing is conversational. To thrive, your website must become a dynamic participant in this new dialogue.

The post How SearchGPT (ChatGPT’s New Search Engine) Could Transform Guest Discovery appeared first on Hotel Speak.

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