Everything Hoteliers Need to Create a Powerful 2022 Marketing Calendar 


2020 is here! If you haven’t already planned out your marketing efforts for the year, there’s no better time than now to start. Email marketing can help you unlock revenue and connect with guests that you otherwise wouldn’t. We’ve put together some resources and ideas to help you make 2022 an exceptional year!

Build a 2022 marketing plan

Revinate’s here to help you get a head start on your email strategy with our free 2022 Email Marketing Planner

This planner can help you:

  • Organize your email strategy by time of year, goal, segment and topic
  • Keep ahead of the booking window…and the competition
  • Do more with the time you save

Download the 2020 Email Marketing Planner here.

Identify key drivers of business

Once you’ve got the calendar ready. It’s time to fill it. An excellent resource for you is our Hotelier Marketing Calendar Guide, which will tell you month-by-month what dates and events you should focus your marketing efforts around. 

2020 Content Calendar February Example
2020 Content Calendar February Example

Build a marketing strategy

Of course, this email marketing planner is just one part of a successful email marketing strategy. Check out our Email Marketing Strategy Guide for an in-depth look at everything you need to know to launch a successful campaign. While you wait for the guide to download, we’ve come up with a few tips that should help you make the most of it.

Call-to-Action - Email Strategy Guide
Call-to-Action – Email Strategy Guide

Don’t plan the whole year at once

Trying to plan the entire year in one sitting will likely feel overwhelming. To save yourself the headache, try breaking the year up into more manageable pieces. Perhaps you plan by month or by quarter. So long as you’re planning and staying ahead of your booking window, you’re going to see a return on the time you invested in planning.

Match your content to demand

Be sure to match your content and offers with the season. Think about the types of guests that visit during low- and high-demand seasons.

  • In low season, you want to focus on discounts and aggressive deals.
  • In high season, you want to focus on your most lucrative guests and provide them with enticing value-added offers.
  • In shoulder season, you want to separate yourself from the competition. Occupancy is available and rates are still relatively high. Hit your lists frequently with come up with enticing offers.

Take advantage of holidays and other special events

You also want to consider what holidays and other timely events taking place in your area and build email campaigns around them. For example, in the summer, you could consider the following: family vacations, holidays like the Fourth of July in the US, Canada Day in Canada, or Bastille Day in France, could all be demand generators in your market.

The post Everything Hoteliers Need to Create a Powerful 2022 Marketing Calendar  appeared first on Revinate.

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