You’ve been waiting so long for this day and finally your dreams will come true.


Bogdan Nowak, a marathon runner of Gwardia Olsztyn, needed 11 years to run 67,756 kilometers. Then… he kept running. “(…) I came to Gwardia and track and field by accident. Like every young person, I wanted to do something interesting. Coach Zdzisław Majchrowicz took care of me. I was trying to jump into the long […]

Choose the date of the marathon


Maybe it will be this year’s, or maybe the one planned in a few years? It is never too late. Remember – the path to your destination is the most beautiful, so don’t break down when yours is located in the distant future. The most important thing is to have a dream and pursue it. […]

Larry Scott Workout Review: How To Build 20-Inch Arms


Larry Scott Workout Review – How To Build 20-Inch Arms If there is one thing every bloke who walks into the gym wants, it’s bigger biceps. During my late teens, I would spend countless hours online rummaging through clickbait articles trying to find the ‘best’ muscle-building routine for arms that would spin the ladies head […]

Franco Columbu Workout Review


Franco Columbu Workout Review We live in a day and age that is ridden with instant gratification. Never is the need for immediate results more keenly felt than in the fitness industry. Our social media feeds are laden with products and routines promising quick results. In fact: A day doesn’t pass where I’ve yet to […]