Meal Prep for Fasting Women: 5 Tips to Eat Healthy During Intermittent Fasting

The dietary practice of alternating periods of fasting and eating is referred to as intermittent fasting. This method of fasting has recently gained popularity, especially among women looking to lose weight and improve their health. Intermittent fasting comes in a few variations, but the most popular one involves fasting for 16-24 hours at a time, which is then followed by eating during a specific timeframe.
The idea behind intermittent fasting is that it helps the body enter a state of ketosis and then burns stored fat for energy instead of relying on carbohydrates. This type of fasting helps women lose weight, improve metabolic health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Of course, when you fast, it is vital that you stick to a specific meal plan that will not interfere with your fasting. Thus comes the need for meal prep for those who are fasting.
Over the past few years, meal prep has become a trend, and for good reasons. It helps people save time and money by preparing their meals in advance. It also helps people avoid the temptation to snack every now and then.
However, most importantly, meal prep can help people, especially fasting women, eat healthy while adhering to a strict dietary plan and routine. Therefore, before getting into intermittent fasting, it is necessary to understand the importance of meal prep.
The Importance of Meal Prep
You must ensure several things when it comes to meal prep during intermittent fasting. That means it is vital that you understand what breaks a fast and what does not. Consuming healthy foods and calorie-free healthy fats during the fasting period is not enough. Controlling your calorie intake by consuming foods that will not break a fast is just as crucial.
According to Simple.Life, there are many drinks that you can consume without breaking your intermittent fasting. At the same time, there are a few supplements that can break the fast. It all comes down to the ingredients and items in your meals, which is why meal prep is so important for fasting women.
Having established that, we can now dive into the tips that can help you with your meal prep and eat healthy during intermittent fasting.
Tips for Eating Healthy During Intermittent Fasting
Women get into intermittent fasting for many reasons. Some want to lose weight. Some want to improve their metabolic health. Others just want to bring a bit of change to their lifestyle.
Whatever the reason for intermittent fasting, you need to remember that at the core of this dietary routine is the practice of eating healthy. Otherwise, if you eat junk after hours of fasting, it will end up being counterproductive.
That being said, here are five tips for you to eat healthy during intermittent fasting.
#1 Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods
This one may seem obvious. Yet, many women forget to include such foods in their intermittent fasting diet. Nutrient-dense foods are rich in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients essential for the normal functioning of your body.
Examples of such foods are fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables and healthy fats. Consuming nutrient-dense foods allows you to provide your body with the nutrients it needs, even when fasting, to function at its best and stay healthy.
#2 Avoid Processed Foods
Processed foods contain everything you do not want in your body when fasting, including high calories, unhealthy fats, added sugar and sodium. On top of all that, these foods are also low in nutrients. Processed foods are also more likely to contribute to several health problems, weight gain, and inflammation.
Therefore, during intermittent fasting, you should steer clear of processed foods. Instead, opt for foods that are minimally processed and naturally rich in nutrients. Replacing junk food with nutrient-dense alternatives during intermittent fasting is something many women are doing these days, and you should definitely do the same.
#3 Stay Hydrated
Many people have this misconception that drinking a lot of water during the eating periods of intermittent fasting can lead to weight gain. However, this is farthest from the truth. In fact, drinking water is crucial, especially during intermittent fasting.
When you are in a state of fasting, your body becomes dehydrated. This, in turn, leads to headaches, fatigue and other sorts of health problems. Thus, to avoid this, you have to drink plenty of water during the eating periods. Consume at least eight cups of water every day. Some people even try to enhance the water’s taste by adding a slice of lemon or cucumber to it, but that is not necessary.
#4 Do Not Overeat
Sometimes, after the fasting period is over for the day, people indulge in a feast. They overeat and end up feeling too tired to do anything else. While this idea is tempting, too many calories can negate the benefits of intermittent fasting.
Instead, it is better to meal prep in such a way that you get to eat smaller portions but more frequently during the eating period. Doing so allows you to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
#5 Say “No” to Refined Sugar
The meal plans you prepare should not contain any form of refined sugar. This needed to be told separately because even a small ounce of sugar in your body can turn things upside down. Whenever you feel the need to consume something sweet, opt for fruits. Do not add that cube of sugar to your fruit juice, tea or coffee after you are done fasting for the day. Sugar is never worth it.
With that, you are ready to start your intermittent fasting. This basic meal prep guide may not seem that difficult to manage, but in actuality, it is harder to work on than it seems. What will feel even more difficult is when you try to stick to this meal prep plan and your intermittent fasting. However, with a bit of push, nothing is too difficult to accomplish, so go for it.