Top Reasons to Study Public Health in 2023


Public health is a field of study concerned with promoting and protecting the health of populations. It is an interdisciplinary field encompassing various areas such as epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, environmental health, and social and behavioral sciences. In recent years, the importance of public health has become increasingly apparent due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other global health crises. As we look towards the future, there are many reasons why pursuing a degree in public health in 2023 can be a wise decision.

Career Opportunities

One of the top reasons to study public health in 2023 is its wide range of career opportunities. According to Coursera, jobs in the public health sector will increase by 13 percent from 2021 to 2031, at a much faster pace than the average for all occupations. This growth is due to the increasing demand for public health services.

A degree in public health can lead to diverse career paths, such as epidemiologist, biostatistician, health educator, health policy analyst, and environmental health specialist, among others. These careers are applicable in various settings, such as government agencies, healthcare organizations, research institutions, and non-profit organizations. The versatility of public health careers also means that professionals can work across multiple sectors and positively impact the health of communities.

If you’re looking to pursue a degree in public health, there are many MPH degrees online, each with unique concentrations and areas of focus. With so many choices available, you’re sure to find a program that fits your interests and career goals.

Impact on Community

Another compelling reason to study public health is the opportunity to impact communities positively. Public health professionals work towards improving health outcomes for populations, reducing health disparities, and promoting health equity. You can become part of a community of professionals dedicated to improving people’s health. Public health professionals have been instrumental in addressing various public health issues, such as vaccine development and distribution, disease surveillance, and health education. They also play a crucial role in advancing health equity by addressing social determinants of health, such as poverty, education, and housing.

Addressing Global Health Issues

Public health issues such as emerging infectious diseases and climate change have increasingly become global concerns. Public health professionals have a crucial role in addressing these issues. Pursuing a degree in public health can equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to address global health issues.

Infectious diseases such as COVID-19 pose a significant threat to global health. Public health professionals are instrumental in managing such pandemics. They play a pivotal role in developing vaccines, implementing public health measures, and social distancing guidelines. A degree in public health can equip you with the skills to respond to possible health threats in the future.

Climate change is also a significant public health concern that requires urgent action. The effects of climate change on health are visible in the increasing incidence of heat waves, natural disasters, and the spread of vector-borne diseases. Public health professionals can play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change. They can advocate for policies that promote environmental sustainability and resilience.

Advancements in Technology

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of public health in recent years. Technology has become an integral part of public health practice. Pursuing a degree in public health can equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage these technologies. 

One of the most significant advancements in public health technology is the use of big data. The large amounts of healthcare data can help inform public health decision-making, from identifying disease outbreaks to predicting health outcomes. Public health professionals with expertise in data analysis can develop and implement effective interventions. Hence, they can play a role in improving public health.

Innovations in health informatics have also transformed the field of public health. Health informatics refers to using technology to manage and analyze health information. It includes electronic health records, telemedicine, and mobile health apps. These technologies can improve healthcare quality. They can provide more efficient and accurate data management and analysis. Thus, they enable remote patient monitoring and care.

Personal growth and development

Studying public health can provide students numerous opportunities for personal growth and development. It is an opportunity to develop leadership and advocacy skills. As public health professionals, students work toward the greater good. After developing these skills, they can achieve that objective. In addition, studying public health can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for success in any career.

Students must think outside the box and develop innovative solutions to complex public health issues. Students can design and implement public health programs. They are in a better position to conduct thorough research. Consequently, they can gain a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from knowing they are making a difference in the world.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Interdisciplinary collaboration has become increasingly important in public health. This approach has led to new opportunities for health professionals. They can integrate different perspectives by working with experts in various fields including medicine, sociology, economics, and law. Hence, they can develop a more comprehensive understanding of public health issues. This approach allows for innovative solutions to complex public health problems not limited to a single discipline. As such, interdisciplinary collaboration has become essential to public health education and practice.

Health professionals with experience working in interdisciplinary teams are in high demand, and this trend is likely to continue. Therefore, those who want to advance their careers in public health should consider pursuing interdisciplinary studies. They can further develop a more comprehensive understanding of public health issues, making it possible to contribute to the development of effective solutions. 


Pursuing a degree in public health in 2023 can offer many benefits. It includes multiple career opportunities to impact communities positively and address global health issues. Public health professionals play a crucial role in promoting and protecting the health of populations. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the importance of this field. There are many opportunities for MPH degree holders that can match your interests and career aspirations. With advancements in technology and a growing demand for skilled professionals, pursuing a degree in public health can be a smart and rewarding decision.

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