The Best Foods to Break a Fast


When you begin eating again after a period of fasting, it may be tempting to reach for high-calorie dishes. But these may not be the healthiest choices for your body.

Eggs are an ideal option to break a fast as they’re easy to digest and provide abundant sources of protein. Furthermore, eggs contain numerous essential nutrients that replenish the body and boost energy levels.

Chia seeds are an ideal option for breaking a fast, as they contain essential nutrients the body requires to get back on track after an extended fast. Plus, these tiny seeds are packed with essential minerals and antioxidants.

Selecting the appropriate foods to break a fast can make all the difference in your overall health and weight loss success. Focus on nutrient-rich, satiating dishes that won’t upset your digestive system.

To learn more about the best foods to break your fast, continue reading. 

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Health Reporter says that intermittent fasting is an eating plan that alternates between periods of eating and fasting. Studies have linked it to weight loss, reduced inflammation, and improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

It’s a diet designed to increase your metabolic rate and burn more fat, as well as control hunger so you can eat fewer calories. Success in dieting requires sticking to a balanced diet during meals and avoiding foods with too many calories. 

While fasting, you should also drink plenty of water and other zero-calorie drinks like black coffee or tea. A registered dietitian or healthcare provider can recommend the best ways to stay hydrated during this period.

The Best Foods to Break a Fast

When breaking a fast, the ideal foods to choose are those that are low-calorie, nutrient-rich, and abundant in fiber. These will provide energy to your body while keeping you full for longer. Here are some of the best foods to break a fast. 

Bone Broth

Bone broth is an ideal option for breaking a fast, as it contains few calories and is easily digestible. Plus, it provides essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Bone broth is a type of liquid soup made by simmering bones and connective tissue from various animals, such as beef, chicken, pork, turkey, fish, and bison. The lengthy cooking process partially denatures the proteins in the broth, which makes them more easily digestible. It is also full of essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and trace minerals. Furthermore, it contains collagen – a protein that reduces inflammation and aids digestion.

Spinach or Kale

Spinach or Kale is ideal for breaking a fast due to their low carbohydrate and sugar content. Furthermore, these vegetables are easily digestible and packed with essential nutrients. These leafy green veggies are replete  with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. No matter how you make it, spinach and kale offer numerous health advantages. Not only do these nutrients reduce the risk of certain diseases, but they can also strengthen your immune system.


Fish is an ideal food to break a fast because it’s relatively easy to digest and provides numerous essential nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin D, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It is low in fat and packed with dietary fiber, making it a satisfying food that keeps you full for extended periods of time and is well tolerated after fasting. However, don’t consume too much at once, or you could experience digestive distress. 


Eggs are an ideal food to break a fast as they contain plenty of protein and essential nutrients. Not only that, but eggs also support calorie restriction and insulin response while keeping you fuller for longer. Additionally, they’re an excellent source of vitamin D and choline to support immunity and liver function. Furthermore, they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been known to boost brain health.

Chia Seeds

If you’re searching for an organic way to break a fast, chia seeds could be the ideal option. They contain numerous beneficial nutrients like fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein, as well as being highly hydrating for your body. You can easily add Chia seeds to smoothies or yogurt for an energy boost. Or make a delicious chia pudding with them if you want a longer feeling full.


Smoothies are an enjoyable and convenient way to get a large serving of vegetables and fruit in one go. They can be an especially beneficial addition to those on the go who struggle to meet their daily recommended intake. Smoothies are an ideal tool for gently breaking a fast, as they provide energy and satisfaction without overwhelming your stomach. Furthermore, smoothies have minimal impact on digestion.

Unsweetened Yogurt

Unsweetened yogurt is an ideal way to break your fast as it contains less added sugar than its sweetened counterparts. Plus, it’s full of beneficial nutrients that support immunity and bone health. Yogurt is also replete with calcium and potassium that support strong bones. Plus, its high amounts of phosphorus and magnesium help regulate blood pressure.


Nuts are an ideal food to break your fast as they contain protein and are easily digestible. Furthermore, their healthy fats will help slow the absorption of sugar after you finish fasting. However, you should not eat nuts immediately after breaking your fast. Instead, experiment with nut butter or other recipes containing nuts.


Avocado is one of the best foods to break a fast with, as it’s full of essential nutrients and low in calories. Plus, its easy digestion means you stay fuller for longer than other meals, which makes it ideal for preventing overeating after fasting and weight loss. Avocados are packed with healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fatty acids, that help lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease. 


Oats have a well-deserved reputation as one of the healthiest breakfast foods, boasting antioxidants and fiber. But that’s not the only reason they should be on your list when it comes to breaking a fast. Oatmeal is packed with soluble fiber, which can slow the rate at which sugars are absorbed into your bloodstream and help you feel full for longer. This could make it easier to eat less and reach your weight loss objectives.


After fasting, it is important to slowly introduce food back into your system. That is why you should eat nutrient-dense foods that are easy to digest and include only minimal protein and healthy fats. Breaking a fast with vegetables that are non-starchy and easily digestible is ideal. These meals will help restore energy levels and provide essential vitamins and minerals for the day ahead. After a fast, it is best to steer clear of greasy or highly processed foods, as these can be difficult to digest. Instead, opt for soups, nutritious smoothies, and small portions of protein-rich vegetables and fruits.


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