Tango musicality: an easy guide and 3 tips


When it comes to tango musicality, we often compare a dancer with musicality and one without to a normal car and a racing car. The normal car is fine for your daily needs, but the racing car’s components are all of the highest quality. I believe that dancers who investigate tango musicality become special. These […]

How to create a better tango embrace – the secret of Arm Spirals


Without its embrace, Tango wouldn’t be Tango. But creating a comfortable tango embrace and maintaining it during the dance is hard if you don’t know how. We usually get a lot of information while learning tango about how the embrace should feel – both in terms of technique and emotion. But there are many reasons […]

How to answer tango questions easier – a simple tool


Bend or stretch, point or heel, open or close? Tango is magical. But sometimes, it might feel as if the more tango questions you ask, the more confused you get. Let’s explore how you can create some clarity in your tango.