Fall Fashion & Eye Care


As we make the full transition into warm sweaters and heavier jackets protect to our bodies from the cooler temperatures and change of season, it also is the perfect time to think about investing in quality sunglasses and eyewear. In the past, as the days got colder, I would instantly think it was time to …

Mindfulness & Movement


We started practicing mindfulness with our kids last year when we moved into a 1200sqft condo and no longer had the outdoor space to let them run off steam. We realized after a couple mornings of deep breathing, slow movement and encouraging focus. How much calmer the mornings were. Now we are by no means […]

Pippa By Design: A Story of Ballet and Costumes


Eleven year old Pippa wants us to know that she is easily bored by many things: soccer, theater and swimming never held any interest for her, and she wouldn’t be caught dead in a dance class like her ballet-obsessed older sister, Verity, who studies at the National Ballet of Canada in Toronto. Pippa also wants […]