Robyn Bedell


Name:Robyn Bedell Age:38 Member since:2010 What was your first memorable CrossFit experience?Getting my first unassisted pull up was probably the most memorable. I’ve always played sports (soccer and softball) but never really worked out in a gym and never even attempted a pull up so gaining enough upper body strength to do one felt amazing! […]

Brandon Carlson


Name:Brandon Carlson Age:31 CrossFitting since:2019 What was your first memorable CrossFit experience?It’s got to be either, 1) Dropping an empty bar bell my first class. The whole class stopped, turned, and stared at me like I just killed their cat. Or 2) Not knowing the assault bikes were adjustable. I went a few weeks riding […]

Justin & Alisa Wike


Name:Justin Wike Age:36 CrossFitting since:2015 What was your first memorable CrossFit experience?My first memorable experience was when a friend of mine asked me to be his partner in the 2015 Metcon for Hope. I was not a member of DE yet and felt I was in good shape, as I had been racing BMX all […]

Isela Aguilera


Name:Isela Aguilera Age:23 Member since:2016 What was your first memorable CrossFit experience?My first day at Double Edge was the most memorable for me. Walking in with no experience, not knowing anybody and struggling with every movement, it was the most intimidating day. After that first day, there was no looking back. With the help of […]

Momi Lammerding


Name:Momi Lammerding Age:66 CrossFitting Since:October 2022 What was your first Memorable CrossFit Experience?Learning gymnastics Favorite Lift/Movement:Burpees Least Favorite Lift/Movement:All forms of burpees Why Do You Do CrossFit?At first I wasn’t sure I could hack it! But after my first class I was hooked! Now I can’t stop. My 99.5 year old father said, “whatever you […]