5 Maintenance Challenges Hotels Face Today & How To Deal With Them


Sol Kerzner, the South African hotel and resort magnate, once said: “Perfection in our business is almost impossible, but you have to keep trying.”. Curve balls seem to have been invented for the hotel industry! One function that can make a difference for any hotel is maintenance. Sound maintenance ensures that things work and look […]

The 2022 Guide To Attracting Gen Z To Your Hotel


They are TikTokers who Snapchat and pegged to be the first immersed users of Metaverse. How well are you placed to attract Gen Zer to your hotel? Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2015) is already one of the largest consumer groups, despite the fact that some members of this demographic are younger than age […]

How Hospitality Students See Their Future In The Industry


Survey insights that explore how the hospitality industry is currently offering both opportunities and drawbacks in the eyes of today’s young hospitality students. If the post-Covid labor shortage is to pick up, all key stakeholders must collaborate closely to refresh areas ranging from curriculums to working hours. Worker shortage in the hospitality industry – A […]

6 simple tips and strategies to boost your Hotel revenue


Here are some simple tips and strategies to give your hotel’s bottom line just the rev-up it needs. You may always have hotel revenue management top of mind, however, it’s important to review and update your strategies to optimise performance and boost your incremental revenue. While room rates are a good income source, focusing on […]

Milonga del Sol: 07-02-22


Thank you everyone for another delicious rendition of Milonga Del Sol! A special thank you to Daniel Arias for a wonderful class, and Pipe Tango for entertaining us on the dance floor with the best tandas! Next week, Saturday 7/16, we’re kicking off a new LATA semester with the 2h Beginner Bootcamp at 11am and […]