Mr. C Miami’s focus on personalization drives $5M in revenue thanks to Revinate Marketing and Dragonfly Strategists


Customer stories Mr. C Miami’s focus on personalization drives $5M in revenue thanks to Revinate Marketing and Dragonfly Strategists HOTEL TYPE: Group SOLUTIONS USED: Revinate Marketing REGION: North America Goal Drive direct bookings. Strategy Personalized guest communications. […] The post Mr. C Miami’s focus on personalization drives $5M in revenue thanks to Revinate Marketing and […]

The Future Of Luxury Experiences: Where Luxury Meets Hospitality


The luxury industry is undergoing a change. As a result, its products are reaching more and more people. In order to avoid losing exclusivity and uniqueness, many brands are now relying on ‘experiences’. These are enabling them to strengthen their relationships with their customers, offering them a unique experience without sacrificing status or reputation. The […]

Additional RD quotes from the first teams


by Anne Calder Thirty-six ice dance couples competed in the Rhythm Dance at the recent 2024 World Championships. IDC chatted with many of the athletes who made their debuts and those returning to the annual ISU event. Phoebe Bekker & James Hernandez (GBR)Bekker: (first worlds) I’m just so happy. It’s been a long time coming. […]

Saying Goodbye to the 1980’s RD Theme


Article & Photos by Anne Calder & Gina Capellazzi The music requirements for the 2023-2024 Rhythm Dance included “Music and Feeling of the Eighties”. Any music was possible provided it was originally released in the decade of the 1980’s. The couple should demonstrate through dance the culture and essence of this decade. The selected music may […]

5 Simple Tips To Drive Direct Hotel & Vacation Rental Bookings Using Affiliate Marketing


Feeling the pinch of OTA commissions? You’re not alone. Their fees can really take a big bite out of the bottom line. One way to drive direct business at a generally lower acquisition cost is through affiliate marketing, a powerful alternative to reclaim direct bookings and build stronger guest relationships. But where do you start? […]