ACTIVE NATION DAY ! The countdown to Active Nation Day is on! The Lorna Jane Sisters are on a mission to get our nation more active! On Sunday 27th September, LJ ladies will be working out across the entire world! For the first time ever, Active Nation Day is coming to London. We want to […]



BASIL & BERRIES #EATTHEWEEK WITH ICELAND This weekends brunch is inspired by Chanel 4’s Eat The Week with Iceland. Each week there is a new episode that showcases recipe ideas for busy families.   JUDE’S PANCAKES This morning Jude and I made pancakes for breakfast. Like most four year olds, Jude has his favourite dishes […]

Run Chat


ADIDAS RUNNERS REMIX ! Where adidas studio London, 152 Brick Lane When  Saturday 10.30am Who adidas runners I’ve joined the

Frank Zane Workout Review: Growth Program for Killer Aesthetics


Frank Zane Workout Review: Growth Program for Killer Aesthetics Nowadays, If you say the word ‘bodybuilder’ to most people, they’ll likely conjure up an image of a ill-proportion Blobfish covered in baby oil who would look more at home inhabiting an inner-city sewer than the stage of a Mr. Olympia contest. However, In the 60’s, […]

Know your Poop


When it comes to our health, we often pay close attention to what we eat and how we feel, but we may not give much thought to what happens in the bathroom. Yes, we’re talking about poop! While it may not be the most glamorous topic, the appearance of your stool can provide valuable insights […]