The wonderful benefits of walking with the right fitting shoes


Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise, yet it provides a multitude of health benefits; whether it’s on a treadmill or outdoors doesn’t matter – as long as you have the right pair of shoes. To ensure maximum comfort and protection for your feet, it’s essential to have the right pair of shoes. […]

The Best Trainers For Your Workout


It’s a common misconception is that one pair of trainers is going to suitable for all workouts. To get the most out of training, the right footwear is crucial! From extra cushiony soles to help you run for miles to sturdy bases that support your foot and help activate the correct muscle groups, we’ve given […]

How can specific exercises benefit you?


Live a healthier and happier life now! Do your bit for World Health Day and join the gym. Core workouts  Did you know that over 52% of people in the UK suffer in silence from back pain and arthritis. According to [1], having strong muscles and joints reduces the risk of arthritis by 76%. ‘Mayoclinic’ lists […]

Morning Stretching – Stretch Like a Yoga and Pilates Enthusiast


Stretching is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and incorporating it into your morning routine can help increase flexibility to reducing stress. What are the Benefits of Stretching Every day? Stretching is an excellent way to improve your overall health and wellness. You really want to make it a habit and consistency is the […]

Why Strength Training Is Important For Everyone


Views expressed in this article may or may not express that of Kafui Fitness We all know that strength is important for athletes – it helps them run faster, jump …