Betting Sites for Norway for Foreigners


Credit: Unsplash/aceofnet Sponsored Article. Norway is a captivating destination known for its scenic beauty, vibrant culture, and, interestingly, its tightly regulated gambling industry. For foreigners residing in or visiting the country, betting can often feel like navigating uncharted waters due to Norway’s restrictive policies. However, the digital world offers several ways to access online betting […]

Sånn bruker Oslos moderne tannleger nyskapende teknologi


Credit: Pexels/Daniel Frank Når du tenker på Norge er kanskje det første du kommer på de fantastiske fjordene, det engasjerende kulturlivet, eller nordlyset som danser på vinterhimmelen. Men er du egentlig klar over at Oslo er i ferd med å bli en hub for avansert tannbehandling? Faktisk investerte Norge mer enn to milliarder euro i […]

Catching up with Ireland’s Carolane Soucisse and Shane Firus 


By Matteo Morelli | Skating Photo by Yoriko Suzuki Carolane Soucisse and Shane Firus have been representing Ireland for two years, having switched after seven seasons competing under the Canadian flag. We met with them in Tallinn, Estonia, where they competed at their second European Championships. We talked about the current season and their skating […]