September Updates


  It’s been an amazing summer of beautiful weather and it’s been great to see so many fun outings you all have taken together, from beautiful hikes to local races and competitions! We’re building on this fantastic momentum with challenging WOD programming and an incredible team of coaches to guide you to continued gains. What’s […]

Iced or Hot? The Benefits of Hot and Cold Therapies at Restore Spa


Do you want that iced or hot? In this case, we’re talking about your recovery, rest and relaxation, not the coffee from your favorite coffee shop.   You can find hot and cold therapy options at Restore Spa, coming soon to Healthworks Cambridge. Premium services include an infrared sauna, eucalyptus steam room, whirlpool and cold plunge […]

A Glimpse Into The Future Of The Hospitality Industry


Step into the future of hospitality as we uncover the captivating realm of short- and long-term perspectives that are reshaping the industry. Let’s explore how technology is helping hospitality firms create an unparalleled guest experience and learn about the futuristic ideas that spark the imagination and are setting the stage for our extraordinary tomorrow. This […]

“RICE” no more! PEACE and LOVE for Injury Management!


RICE no more! PEACE and LOVE for Injury Management! RICE is at least 10 years out of date!

The RICE (or RICED; rest, ice, compression, elevation, diagnosis) method for injury management has been advised against in the research & academic settings since at least 2010. In early 2019 I wrote an article about a more up to date method, “do no H.A.R.M” (no heat, no alcohol, no reinjury, no massage). But there’s been even newer suggestions on how to remember to manage injuries!

The bidirectional relationship between exercise and sleep


Exercise and sleep are both essential for our health. Exercise keeps us physically fit and strong, while sleep allows our bodies and minds to heal and recharge. Exercise and sleep can be viewed as each other’s opposites. One is all about activity, while the other is about rest. However, the two are far more closely